Günter Hujber was born in Velké Losiny, Czech Republic, on 20 May 1966. He graduated from The Technical University in Brno. During his studies there he was inspired by his colleague’s paintings which started him in his first art experiments with pencil. His first pictures were mostly nudes and oil miniatures of landscapes. Further experimentation led him to add elements of dreams and symbolism into his pure nudes. His contemporary works are probably closest to symbolism in style, contrary to surrealism, given the large number of hidden symbols in the majority of his paintings. Exhibitions (together group exhibitions) – Velké Losiny, Šumperk, Úsov, Zábřeh, Olomouc, Prague, Hohenberg, Lilienfeld,Viena (Austria), Best of Show at Czech Art Festival -2005 in České Budějovice, Mariánské Lázně, Veltrusy, Děčín, Györujbarat (Hungary), Florida (Artfusion gallery), Paris (France), China (Beejing – First Price of Erotic Exlibris Competition 2011), First price of TV Nova competition of the best portrait of Ozzy Osborne.
Edition 2014
Edition 2016
Edition 2018
Edition 2021