Cillov, Munevver / Чилов, Муневер

Cillov, Munevver

She was born in Bursa (Turkey) in 1950.  She graduated from The Academy of Fine Arts Istanbul,The Department of (MFA) Painting in 1982. She started giving painting and arts courses in my workshop from the 80s onwards. She restored and brougt old works back to life,because of her love for them. She received gravure, carpet, stained glass and jewelry training at the application workshops when she was a student at the academy. She still continue her works in her own studio in İstanbul,Turkey. She has exhibitions, participate in exhibitions and contests and win awards. For example: every year she participate in SNBA’s (Societe Nationale Des Beaux Arts) exhibition at (Carrousel du Louvre) with her gravures. She has one ”Diplomas” and many ”selected exlibrises,mini-prints and printmakings” prizes.



Edition 2016

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